Many of my wonderful blog buddies over at my home blog said that there was no need for me to censor or separate my TTC/baby-related posts from my regular posts, but I feel like I should. Mostly for my own reasons (because I don't have time during my day-to-day grind to write in an actual journal, which I really think would be beneficial to me with all of the thoughts constantly swirling around in my head), but also because I think some people would perceive my blog to eventually become bogged down with it all. Even though it is a big part of what's going on in my life right now, as I've said before, having a miscarriage and taking a while to have a successful pregnancy do not define me. It's just another bump in the road.
Posts here will probably be shorter, and there may be a likelihood that I post more than once a day on some days, and not at all on others.
If you are not coming here by linking from my other blog, welcome! If you want to know more about me and other aspects of my life, check me out over at FG!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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