Monday, March 1, 2010


Emphasis on the F.

AF isn't due until tomorrow or the day after, but still....pretty sure it's legit.

I wanna crawl in a hole. 

And if anyone makes any "are you pregnant" comments help me God.


  1. ((Hugs)) Looks like next cycle is it for both of us.

  2. *hugs* I hate to give false hope BUT my friend tested negative until she was three days late. I'm sorry you got that result though - I'm testing later this week and I'm afraid I may be seeing the same thing.

  3. Don't give up hope yet! I tested BFN on CD 11 before my BFP 3 days later. I was POSITIVE AF was going to show. 3 days later, still nothing so I decided to test again. Good luck!!

  4. Same here. Due tomorrow or the day after and got BFN this morning. I'll be checking back to see how it goes for you-- wishing you luck!
